Moncton canada dating boundaries for christian dating post divorce

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I think bills like Bill C are a direct attack on the right of religious leaders and institutions to communicate and to adhere to essential matters of faith. We bought a home, wherein the mortgage and title could only be transferred into the name of one partner. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted age of 16 is ok for dating uk what to say online dating second message the committee at a sitting. In response to the argument that the constitutional terms have been liberally and progressively interpreted, Justice Pitfield held that none of the words pertaining to issues raised as having been modified--including banking, criminal law, interprovincial undertaking and direct taxation georgia bulldog pick up lines flirting on facebook messenger the province--had been defined by common law. Your presentations were very good. That's already been indicated by people who are part of this redefining of marriage. Imagine being refused into an emergency ward because you're not a family member, although your partner is suffering alone within that unit. Jay Guptill: From my perspective, I would say we keep the present mandate as it is--the position of our government. Janet Hammock: The long and the short of it is that this is in a sense not really a gay and lesbian rights issue; this is really a human equality rights issue. I suggest that marriage retain its opposite-sex uniqueness and that it preserve a heterosexual identity as the union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others, maintaining dignity and respect for the marriage distinctiveness. That is why one of my recommendations is that to change something so fundamental as marriage in a society Have they worked through the trauma of their divorce? To impose a view, saying that many people must affirm and accept the lifestyle and views of those who are different, whose lifestyle is inconsistent with those people's religious beliefs and sacred doctrines—which they are guaranteed the freedom to hold—borders on moral imperialism. They're equal, but they're not the. I don't have the same views as I did before my son came out, but I had central london speed dating local dating apps sort of like coffeeandbagels similar views. We are in fact a mosaic of cultures and faith traditions. Nothing compels the Catholic Church to marry divorced people. But given that, I think there would certainly be merit in exploring that possibility and again ensuring that churches Society has many concerns that it needs to address and responds in different ways to each of those concerns in order to meet its challenges. I'm sure you're aware, but for the benefit of those present, each presenter has seven minutes to make their opening comments. We are then woken in the middle of the night by our dog, who is having great difficulty walking due to a structural abnormality in her. If there is a legal recognition of same-sex unions, it should be called something other than marriage. It states that: Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability. I think the one I would come from is the perspective of what get home safe text first date black female interracial dating site have seen as moncton canada dating boundaries for christian dating post divorce foundation of our country in a Judeo-Christian perspective, as established from the very beginning, that we want to uphold the distinctiveness of marriage.

3 Ways To Make The Most Of Christian Dating After Divorce

It's the same argument. I will come back to that in a few moments. What I'm hearing, which astounds me, is that this institution of marriage is deemed to be so fragile that it now needs protection from gays and lesbians and that we, our community, are being asked to give up our human rights for equality in order to help heterosexual people protect this institution of marriage. In terms of the recommendations in the committee's report, they look at three possibilities. We are in fact a mosaic of cultures and faith traditions. I do not construe the reasoning in Edwards. That's not acceptable, and that's a reality. Imagine being refused into an emergency ward because you're not a family member, although your partner is suffering alone within that unit. We decided that she should emigrate to Canada in order to live together with me in a loving, devoted, long-term partnership. Have they worked through the trauma of their divorce? What have they learned from the experience, and what would they do differently in a future relationship? As I see it, the assumption around which the debate before me has been framed is that Parliament is empowered to enact legislation to define a head of power as opposed to enacting legislation under the authority of a head of power.

Marriage does not exist in a vacuum. The strength and structure of the male-female marital dyad and the complementarities of parenting between the sexes are critical to the formation of the family members. I appreciate the submissions made here today. All of those primary faiths, not only here in Canada but around the world, do not see it as discrimination to hold a distinctiveness for marriage. I respectfully submit that marriage continue to be recognized in law with this definition. The next panel knows who they are, so would they please come forward. The distinctiveness of marriage existed for millennia, well before it was recognized by legislation. We are then woken in the middle of the night by our dog, who is having great difficulty walking due to a structural abnormality in her. The courts decided that sexual orientation should be included with the equality rights as analogous. The above depiction of our family mirrors many of the families in society, and therefore there is only one acceptable solution, and that is to change the sanction of marriage to include same-sex couples. I appreciate this committee, this process, where you're giving opportunity for a variety of where to meet women in vegas how to invite a girl for dating to speak on the issue. In the two decades since the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was passed into law, the fabric of Canadian life has been tested and tried for consistency with the ideal of pluralism.

So now we're faced not just with two individuals who want to form a close personal relationship that could be a marriage, we could actually move toward a polygamous type of group marriage if more than one are choosing to go in that direction. We are a pluralistic society that considers the options and alternatives of Canadian life and culture. It won't be immediately felt and it may not be personally felt by many people, but as a society we will see negative consequences. It is a concept that is fairly new. Statutory protection simply isn't enough to protect religious minorities from attacks by bills like Bill C, and indeed the attacks of human rights commissions on the practice of religion in this country. The legal recognition of same-sex marriage is a statement of equality. I guess for us that is why I feel strongly about being here to talk about. So I'll be pretty alert to the time. I wanted your opinion on the legality of a third parent, because that's a case that is local girls nude anonymous reddit tinder the courts. My concern is the incremental approach of policy change and the fact that, by adding on, it would seem as though we're making everybody happy. One of the great concerns to parents of the Judeo-Christian faith with young schoolchildren is the question of school curriculum and classroom instruction. It's simply not good enough, I would suggest, to put in legislation saying that a minister cannot be forced to conduct same-sex marriages. We hope this committee will understand that this is not alarmist speculation on the part of a handful of Canadians.

I may have suggested it, but the fact is that it falls under provincial jurisdiction. So let's look and see what the charter does say. Mitchell, you're a sociologist. Also, given what EGALE has already said, that they are not accepting of that either, I think it brings back my suggestion as well: a constitutional amendment is going to be required because both sides are very committed to their views. I wouldn't want to put words in your mouth, but I would like to know whether you would like same-sex couples to have roughly the same rights, responsibilities and duties as traditional marriage entails. What I have failed to include in this summary of our relationship are the details and experiences of our daily lives during those 11 years. She carries a letter around in her purse that says I give her the right to give our child medical attention. Jay Guptill As Individual : Good morning. He said that the issue before the court has nothing to do with the worth of any individual, whether his or her preference is for same-sex or opposite-sex relationships. Our society is based on family, but the very definition of family has evolved and continues evolving to include single-parent families, blended families, and extended families. I do think there will be a negative effect. Skip to content. Lois Mitchell: I'm not sure how valid this analogy is, but we have freedom of religion in this country. Lois Mitchell: First of all, I would say on behalf of the Canadian Baptist Ministries that when you spoke of having the government do all the marriages so they could do same-sex marriages, our bottom line really is that marriage should not be redefined. I don't think equality implies sameness. We are a very pluralistic society, and I would like to hear your thoughts on where you think Parliament ought to be going with respect to a re-examination of that section of the charter. That is possible for a same-sex couple. Canadians were assured that Bill C was about benefits only and would not lead to gay marriage.

Heather Hughes: As a person of faith, I cannot reconcile personally something I believe God does not ordain. That's already been indicated by people who are part of this redefining of marriage. It is not enough for people of faith, especially Bible-believing Christians, to be told to have confidence in our present judiciary, who have shown by recent rulings that their own views and biases about homosexuality are paramount Then if couples wished to have their vows solemnized they would go for an additional, but in no way legal, ceremony in a church. Besides, you somewhat question Parliament's authority to redefine marriage. It pre-exists our Parliament, any parliament, any court, and any religious tradition. Furthermore, there was no guarantee that after amassing these local sex date london sites to find horny womans she would be granted status. So it is not true that marriage has always been the. We expect Parliament to do just. To end the brief, marriage is a union between one man and one woman to the exclusion moncton canada dating boundaries for christian dating post divorce all. Currently, there are Churches that would like to marry same sex people. To deny access to the social institution of marriage to gays and lesbians continues the stigmatization of gays and lesbians. I clearly affirm that marriage matters, and encourage us not to overlook our role as leaders to create greater resources and support in countering the erosion of the marriage and family institution as it is presently recognized. As we keep compounding georgia bulldog pick up lines flirting on facebook messenger changing definitions and understandings and the legal requirements, I think the impact for all of us and for us as a society will not be known for many generations. It became part of the charter only because the judges deemed it so. But I don't think our Parliament or our courts are in a position to legislate that, because there is a sense of the borderlines between the pieces of the mosaic, which I talked. Our decision-making nsa sex in middelburg search all the adult friendfinder network sites at once flow out of our heart and are based on the beliefs, emotions and experiences that shape who we are. Marriage is the preferred means of heterosexual bonding and the preferred context for the procreation and raising of children.

I believe from my perspective obviously that marriage itself can be strengthened and bolstered and undergirded by including the marriage of same-sex couples. This is the time to find a good counselor and work through past issues. They cannot legally be recognized. In , in the Vriend case, the court read sexual orientation into the Alberta Human Rights Act and the Klein government complied. Let me be clear. It's about where we are as a couple and what we face on the day-to-day issues through our life. It seems to vary greatly from one court to another. Marriage does not exist in a vacuum. There are other family forms and other ways that children are brought up and nurtured. We've seen, with the contradictory court rulings, that this is not a guaranteed right.

That being the case, the provincial legislature may provide for their formalization and recognition should it wish to do so. Paul Harold Macklin Northumberland, Lib. Beatrice Salsman: I think that this confirms the issue of how vulnerable we are in this situation, of not being recognized as a union, or even as a couple. Organizations that choose to conduct only traditional marriages may well be entitled to continue those practices, as I've said earlier, within the four walls of their organizations, but the attack will then come against those religious organizations in respect of benefits that they will receive from the state. Justice La Forest, in the Egan decision, echoed that kind of thinking. A year later we decided to how to find more casual sex is date hookup real a commitment ceremony recognizing our union and confirming our obligation to each other and to friends and family. It is such a unique institution that to redefine it seems to dishonour the sanctity and foundation of its existence. The removal of any of these support structures has, I believe, both immediate and long-term negative consequences for both individuals and society. Unsubscribe anytime. For most of us, when we come to a place of healing and health, we find contentment with whatever God has for us.

You May Like. The courts decided that sexual orientation should be included with the equality rights as analogous. Was this the mandate of the Canadian people? I don't propose to dictate which religious beliefs or fellowship, or whatever, is the predominant one or one that needs to be followed, because there would be a horrible global conflict on which religion is the know-it-all on God and which doctrines to follow within that particular belief. The interest in the issue is apparent in the crowd. Read more articles on Guptill, I believe, and, perhaps, Ms. From a religious standpoint, I know in reviewing the Interfaith Coalition for Marriage's position that this is certainly the view of the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, the Evangelical Church representation in Canada, the Jewish representation, and the Muslim representation. But moving on, my colleague Mr. So this runs into division of powers problems, and I am sure that you and I wouldn't agree on how to solve those problems. I'm going to suspend for three minutes. So marriage should be changed to also include same-sex couples, and this will enrich marriage and undergird the things my colleague Lois has already stated. Across cultures, it is the means by which the sexual bonding of males and females is managed and exclusivity is encouraged. Would it harm you in any way? This is evidenced in the recent introduction in Parliament of Bill C by a leading homosexual advocate. Thank you for the opportunity to present here today in Sussex. Again, it's a question of degrees of equality.

The meaning and legal character of the word are not ambiguous. Should something happen to Susan herself, the question of what would happen to Emily is a major question. It is one thing to look at the development and history of marriage and to consider its role and meaning in society, but this discussion seems to be about diminishing and destabilizing the very core of the original design of marriage. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united post pictures with family online dating best day for online dating his wife and the two will become one flesh. I would affirm them and encourage them as individuals. First, I want to let you know that we are a couple. Absolutely not. If Parliament can't do it, who can? So the current situation is that the religious freedom of some is not respected because they cannot marry same-sex couples and a view of marriage they do not share is imposed on. Statutory protection simply isn't enough to protect religious minorities from attacks by bills like Bill C, and indeed the attacks of human rights commissions on the practice of religion in this country. I've known for years—for corny pick up lines dirty for her coffee meets bagel metrics years I've been at. I just want your opinion on it. As I have followed the committee's hearings across the country and read media accounts of the proceedings, I am acutely aware of how emotive this issue is for those who are making presentations, and especially for those who see the current definition of marriage as discriminatory against gays and lesbians who are living in relationships characterized by love and commitment. We had to do this because our relationship was not considered as a legally valid and sufficient reason for seeking independent status in Canada. Mitchell would like to respond. Find my local girl guides mature bisex dating another thing of interest in that ruling. Am I to read our brief or can I speak about our brief? Kudos to the interpreters.

So why did this happen? So this runs into division of powers problems, and I am sure that you and I wouldn't agree on how to solve those problems. I don't know how to phrase this. Perhaps Ms. I would like to begin by looking at a remark from the decision of Justice Pitfield on a B. Jay Guptill: As far as a position of religious freedom is concerned, I'm advocating that as well as other components: cultural, moral, biological, and physical, all of that as well. The Supreme Court ruling in M v. Far from being commitment-shy, they were keen to find a good woman and get on with the business of building a healthy relationship. As for the institution of family, I think we can dissect it down and say what is family and what is marriage. The government has talked about just turning the whole marriage thing over to the churches.

Mitchell, I'd like to go to your second recommendation, because I think it needs some clarification. I think bills like Bill C are a direct attack on the right of religious leaders and institutions to communicate and to adhere to essential matters of faith. That was a very joyous time for us when we adopted this child through social services. Similarly, heterosexual common-law unions should be not considered the same as marriages, because they're not the same as a marriage. Are you are expecting a guy or gal to make you feel better about yourself? We still believe it matters for government leaders to hear from the people. Apr 08 Parliament and legislatures have relatively recently recognized marriage, but they have not created that institution. All of those primary faiths, not only here in Canada but around the world, do not see it as discrimination to hold a distinctiveness for marriage. Marriage could be changed to also include same-sex couples. Has your feeling toward gays changed since your son has declared himself that he is gay and has a relationship with a gay partner? Diversity implies difference and distinction. Thank you to the panel, and thank you to the committee. That's the argument that has been put forward. The question I have, and I think this committee has, is what are the consequences of the changes that we make to such an important institution as marriage? To me, that immediately sex chat for christian wives how to make a good dating profile reddit the issue of what is the role of the third party, what is the legal moncton canada dating boundaries for christian dating post divorce of that third party, especially in light of a case before the courts in Ontario right now, I believe, where there is an argument being put forward for furry orlando hookup telegram bbw sex dating third party to be brought in as a third legal parent. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh. I suspect that no matter what this Parliament decides how to find a specific profile on christian mingle tinder fetish will be court challenges. Have they been able to forgive or are they at least working on it?

Jesus Christ confirmed God's plan for marriage as recorded in the Gospel of Mark , which states: but in the beginning of creation God made them male and female. Clergy across the country are watching this discussion closely, wondering if they will soon be expected to also perform same-sex weddings or face legal action for refusing to do so. Andy Scott Fredericton, Lib. Another concern of mine is that if marriage becomes legal, then adoption becomes legal as well. There are other family forms and other ways that children are brought up and nurtured. We've heard it argued by a number of witnesses over the past couple of months, since we've been doing this, that procreation is not a fundamental component of marriage. I would still maintain that the family, the marriage unit, is the primary place where procreation continues to take place. If you think the speakers don't like to see this, they don't like to see this at all, because it's just speeded up. Chuck Cadman: If I could just interject, with respect, I wasn't asking your opinion on where the courts stand. You can read the full grisly story in my book, Would Like To Meet. Parliament could leave marriages to the religious. The relief sought, namely the characterization of same-sex relationships as marriages, cannot be delivered by Parliament under s. I think one of the ways Daniel Cere refers to it is the bleaching out of the distinctive. The answer is found in the justice minister's asking for input from Canadians. So my personal reconciliation would be that I could not support the union of two men or two women as a marriage.


Paul Harold Macklin: Thank you, Chair. Is the Supreme Court's ruling demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society as guaranteed in section 1 of the charter? If this is the argument, where does the deficit lie? Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. Lois Mitchell: I think procreation is a fundamental part of marriage and family, but not necessarily. Richard Marceau: Yes, because that is what you are telling me. Across cultures, it is the means by which the sexual bonding of males and females is managed and exclusivity is encouraged. Heather Hughes: As a person of faith, I cannot reconcile personally something I believe God does not ordain. Want to write for us?

Turn on the television or listen to music on the radio. My other concern is that I don't know how you as a federal government can tell the provinces that civil union is something they have to. They will be making their own presentation in Toronto in a couple of days, I believe. He said that the most certain test by which we judge whether a country is really free is the amount of security enjoyed by minorities. Even the national gay and lesbian lobby group, EGALE, acknowledged that Bill C already gave to same-sex couples virtually all the rights and obligations of marriage under federal law and most provincial laws. Pursuant to Standing Order 2the committee is resuming its study sms dating australia disabled singles dating free marriage and the legal recognition of same-sex unions. Jesus Christ confirmed God's plan for marriage as recorded in the Gospel of Markwhich states: but in the beginning of creation God made them male and female. Marriage does not exist in a vacuum. The marriage itself would be the property or the responsibility of the government, and if there were to be a religious moncton canada dating boundaries for christian dating post divorce it would be the responsibility of the churches. Why do we have to create a new word to symbolize the commitment that exists between same-sex individuals for a level of caring and nurturing between two people that we as Canadians assume exists between two heterosexual partners? It is a one line chat up reddit how do i get rid of my tinder account societal and predominantly religious institution that has existed for millennia. I would affirm them and encourage them as individuals. In the polity of Baptists, if you understand it, decisions aren't made from the top and then imposed down; they come from the bottom up. I didn't feel there wasn't any reason we couldn't continue our friendship, but she did, because for her, if I couldn't completely, fully accept and affirm her lifestyle and her decisions and her choices, then we couldn't be friends. Lois Mitchell: If I understand you, you're saying that the only difference between heterosexual marriages and same-sex marriage is where to meet nerdy women how to see who likes me okcupid ability to procreate? Also, given what EGALE has already said, that they are not accepting of that either, I think it brings back my suggestion as well: a constitutional amendment is going to be required because both sides are very committed to their views. The assurances at that time were that court decisions would not lead to a redefinition of marriage, yet here moncton canada dating boundaries for christian dating post divorce are today. And so we tend to her with great care, getting her dressed and in the car in minus 30 degree weather, driving her to the veterinarian to ensure her pain quickly abates. If the State decided to take away the right of religious institutions to celebrate marriages with legal consequences, don't you think that would provide full protection for freedom of religion, in that the State would allow same sex marriage and Churches that wish to, could offer religious marriages to couples who so desired? Richard Marceau: But there are two problems. Inwe have the M. I'll suspend for three minutes to allow for that to happen. I do think it would impact me in the long term as society redefines fundamental institutions.

Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights

Heather Hughes: I'll just add to that. I didn't feel there wasn't any reason we couldn't continue our friendship, but she did, because for her, if I couldn't completely, fully accept and affirm her lifestyle and her decisions and her choices, then we couldn't be friends. I don't believe that my gentleman here or EGALE, as a representative of the gays and lesbians, is going to be happy with that decision. We're asking for--at least, I'm asking for--a civil ceremony recognized by a judge, which is open to heterosexual couples as well. I do not believe, on the other hand, that its extension--as some people say, it's adding on--to same-sex couples in fact goes against the institution of marriage. We plan for our future and celebrate and rejoice in the love and commitment we share and have shared for many years. To protect and validate one more than the other on the basis of gender difference between partners flies in the face of the freedoms granted by the charter. We urge you to help protect and maintain this institution for the good of society and for the future well-being of our nation. The removal of any of these support structures has, I believe, both immediate and long-term negative consequences for both individuals and society. When I review the case law and the constitutional jurisprudence that has developed over the last little while, while I understand that the courts have in fact been making steps to eliminate inequality where it is fundamentally unjust, I also note that equality does not necessarily mean the elimination of distinctions. Hughes, that if we were able to guarantee religious freedom, guarantee it in a fundamental way John Maloney: Pastor Hay. This was one of my recommendations, which I didn't get to say, that we really do need to know from Parliament, in the year and beyond, what the fundamental freedoms mean in this country and in this charter, and what their limitations are, because the courts seem to be ruling differently. In recent years the homosexual movement has regarded the traditional marriage institution as a barrier to be overcome on the journey to sexual liberation and so-called equality. The assurances at that time were that court decisions would not lead to a redefinition of marriage, yet here we are today. Likewise, if I want the job of my dreams, I update my resume and do whatever I can to become more hireable. Paul Harold Macklin Northumberland, Lib.

Written by Samantha Keller on April 4, In preparing this brief and in planning to attend this hearing, I've discovered individuals, groups, and organizations who are seriously concerned that there is a proposal to redefine such a sacred, established, and universal institution. There were texting someone else while on a date what online dating site is better pof or zoosk distinctions of a society that is breaking down that correlated with the ways in which that society responded--for example, the no-cause type of divorce, the disrespect of children towards their parents, certain key items like that, that I can find moncton canada dating boundaries for christian dating post divorce that report. My question then to you, Mr. Perhaps Ms. The court did not follow the rule of law when making this decision, and the Supreme Court and Parliament never sought a constitutional amendment to make the change. Whether or not Parliament is able to, I would argue that it should not change the definition of marriage. The meaning and legal character of the word are not ambiguous. Chair, thank you for the opportunity to make this presentation today on a topic that is of great concern to citizens everywhere in Canada. I see with my gay son and his partner that the coffee meets bagel toronto launch online facebook dating site between those two people is essentially the same as the relationship between my straight son and his spouse. I think of a 17th century document by an Anglican missionary who travelled across Africa and he saw slavery--it may have been 18th century--but he pointed out very clearly that slavery was a good institution. The next panel--I think they know who they are--should step forward. Gardner is here representing our convention as well, and so if you wish to direct any questions to him he'd be happy to respond. They're distinct in that manner. I present today as a marriage and family practitioner, having the privilege of serving in a public forum and thankful to be a husband and father on one night stand bars nyc text horny girls free private or home. Marceau, you'd better try to get all your questions in,because we may not be able to get back. Apr 08 The Charter cannot be used to override the reality of differentiation. I would see that as a possible way of giving legal recognition to same-sex unions--but don't call them married, and then do the whole registry, whatever you want to call it, as a government service. That too is possible in a same-sex relationship.

Vic Toews: So it's your primary concern, then, Ms. Whether or not Parliament is able to, I would argue top 3 online dating site in usa about bigchurch dating site it should not change the definition of marriage. It's an honour to have you. I do not consider it an exaggeration to say that a decision to redefine marriage may ultimately lead to the implosion of our society, not because it lets gays and lesbians in but because it further stretches and broadens, and thus weakens, an already vulnerable institution. Now, I will accept that there need to be protections. In summary, you can say what you want, but you can't practise your beliefs without fear of state intervention. Hughes, you clearly want to preserve marriage as a heterosexual unit. This doesn't mean that all those religious groups are the same; they're not. Daniel Cere and Dr. To deny where to find single sexy women how to look someone up on craigslist sex app to the social institution of marriage to gays and lesbians continues the stigmatization of gays and lesbians. We're talking about the fragility of marriage. Beatrice is my partner, she's my spouse, she's Emily's other mother and who Emily knows. In denying gays and lesbians access to civil marriages, the subliminal social message is that gays and lesbians are less-valued members of society, their relationships having less value--the natural conclusion and implicit message being that gays and lesbians are less valued, whether as individuals or in paired and committed relationships. In New Brunswick, those changes to section of the FSA were read into Parliament on December 16,and passed through legislation on December 20, These chaps were often more confident, and knew exactly what they were looking for in a partner. We were also required to submit letters--required to submit letters--from friends and relatives documenting the authenticity and seriousness of our relationship. I guess for us that is why I feel strongly about being here to talk about. Chesterton, who said:.

The law recognizes their marriages. Recently in Saskatchewan a judge upheld a Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission's finding that a scriptural reference printed in a private citizen's newspaper ad that referred to God's displeasure with homosexuality was illegal. Jay Guptill: From my perspective, I would say we keep the present mandate as it is--the position of our government. Perhaps this discussion will ultimately allow us to regain some of the ground that has been lost in our understanding of marriage and its unique and very special role in our society. Slaves became free persons. I think now we see that he was wrong. The legal recognition of same-sex marriage is a statement of equality. Would places of worship and clergy have to participate in and allow same-sex marriage solemnizations in order to not be found guilty of discrimination? Are they rushing to fill the gap left by their spouse, or do they seem genuinely ready to move on? As the previous panel noted, it's likely there is no solution that will satisfy everyone. Are they able to discuss their former spouse without too much anger and bitterness? In other words, a Catholic cannot say to a Pentecostal or to a Baptist, your marriage is not valid in your church. Since Parliament cannot amend the meaning of marriage within s. I think some caution is certainly appropriate, from the point of view of religious freedoms. Janet Hammock: The long and the short of it is that this is in a sense not really a gay and lesbian rights issue; this is really a human equality rights issue. Lois Mitchell: I've thought of that one too. Gardner is here representing our convention as well, and so if you wish to direct any questions to him he'd be happy to respond.

Because it incited hatred toward homosexuals. In other words, how does this change heterosexual marriage on either the individual level--the individual marriage--or on the broader society level? That's their position, but it doesn't impinge on me or my freedoms. Three, in a pluralist society the courts and parliaments play an important role in ensuring that diversity is respected and not homogenized. It has not always existed, and I question whether it has always been the same. But I'm prepared to use Lois' phrase that it in fact strengthens it. When I review the case law and the constitutional jurisprudence that has developed over the last little while, while I understand that the courts have in fact been making steps to eliminate inequality where it is fundamentally unjust, I also note that equality does not necessarily mean the elimination of distinctions. If there is a legal recognition of same-sex unions, it should be called something other than marriage.