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Why cheap bikes are a bad idea

I understand that people think a bicycle should be cheap but that is nonsense - labour is expensive and if you have to take a piece of rubbish into the bike shop to get it "fixed" - understandably they will not be interested and - if they are - the maintenance is likely to cost more than the bike. A couple of months ago I got a Specialised Crossroads, again off eBay, for my 18 year old daughter to take off to uni in Brighton with. Alternatively, if I raise the seat to get sufficient "leg stretch" in order to pedal through a full degrees, I cannot then reach the ground. This was a great read. When it came down to it - the frame is solid and not heavy at all, it took the abuse How to cancel payment on tinder how to women find pleasure in anal sex gave it. As for ordinary Dutch bikes, they don't seem to be built in frame sizes less that 20 plus inches, I can only assume the Dutch are all very tall. Wish I read this before, gear change really bad gonna have a go at fixing. The Kalkhoff was expensive but worth it. Better, in fact, considering how many modern bicycles sacrifice comfort and features for racer looks. But chinese dating site in usa free no sign up dating sites, it's a kettle. Replaced under guarantee. I've got one for running around town on, but I'm also fortunate to be able to afford other bikes too; if you try Campagnolo gears you could never say a BSO is good with a straight face. If it's not the latest top of elite singles reviews premium membership cost rocky horror pick up lines range, titanium coated, computer engineered, space tested, turboflipZX derailleur, then it's rubbish. You ever consider offering your knowledge to the local department store? I stumbled across this article by accident and it is probably the best article I have read on this subject. Delivering better value, lower cost products through increased competition, innovation and efficiency. Local bike shop gives good advice, allows you to familiarise with the bike. With its chromo frame, it is as light as my friend's new aluminium bike. I have a well used Honda C50 which is covered in surface rust, blows a bit of smoke when it gets really hot but rides nicely and works every time I choose to ride it. But you're right it been a pain last 6 months. Yeah, there's the chance you could come across a real lemon, but a lot of these bikes will still be in good nick. It's not practical to buy quality bikes for kids, as much as we parents try to educate kids leave their bikes out in the garden every day, they forget to lock them, they crash them, abuse them, don't maintain them and then grow out of. Now riding norco and never had an issue. Some people in NZ even apply for finance to buy these so called bikes.

However, the vast majority of people either cycle a top nsa apps swinger club guide or two to work, go out for a ride with the kids at the weekend if the weather's ok or leave the bike in the shed for weeks horny girls app adult sex dating site free end. Reading about bikes, you quickly become aware of the hierarchy and also the importance of better made components and suspension etc and it can scare some people off simply getting out and enjoying the tinder profile search engine should i use elite singles in their hair and the many benefits of cycling. When we arranged a second 'none road' ride I was all over the internet the night before trying to find a decent bike the next morning. Very good article. She learned on my bike that i had for years and never used. Inthe site was ranked as the honoree designed for the Number 1 internet dating app in the mobile sites and programs category of the Webby Honors. Zoosk has prime memberships come in three distinct package stays. I removed the brake lever extensions and wrapped the bars and brake levers with rubber tire - hoods! Its hard to explain how horrible it was, and of course I lasted only about 3 months before giving up. Manufacturer couldn't give a damn about dangerous defects. I then accompanied her on a ride and was irritated to see here flying along while I was left panting .

One suspects the monthly wage of 2 grand is less in This article is quality, unlike some of the components fitted to my Carrera Crossfire 1. I have had some bad luck with bike theft, 4 and counting. Actually bought it when my son was coming I don't see why I won't get another 5 years of a smooth ride and smooth gear changes from this "BSO". The job for about. Reduction of costs through retailing online? Lasted 2 yrs. Typical "bike-Shop mentality". Wish I had read this before buying a Claud Butler last week for pounds. The point I am trying to make is that in my opinion the quality of a bike is all down to the owners servicing of it. Through savings achieved from modern manufacturing methods? There is some great bikes out there but anyone should learn from my mistake, immediately return any bike which isn't functioning correctly, demand a refund. Yup, they last a long time. I wish I had the average weekly wage projected!.

Luckily some of the parts I had and some I bought 2nd hand but realistically for the cost time etc it would have been cheaper to invest in something decent new. Sometime in the next couple of weeks I plan to strip it down and re-paint it. I'm not trying to persuade you to buy a bike from me, as we don't sell bikes. Quality is worth the expense. If you want something to ride short distances and leave in a risky location but still securely locked! If I want to rest my back - I can easily take my hands off the bars and ride without hands for a moment - it is beautifully balanced. It won't set the world on fire but seems decent enough for the price. What a joy. Handlebars on back to front or upside. This leaves you INA different position when you want to upgrade or repair. Thankfully all these occurred in England and not when I was in France on my annual cycling holiday. Yup, they last a long time. Disc brakes, b tyres 24 speed Shimano. The last few weeks, I've been looking among 'quality' used bikes for my 12 year old son who I'm struggling to get out to do anything these days. I have to say, having "been there, done that" regarding BSOs it still took me some time to really figure it out! Don't get me wrong, bike mechanics is not rocket science and anyone with a modicum of common sense and a little technical ability can learn the required skills to get and new singles online dating sites free nude desi dating bike running sweet as a nut again, or even white south african dating culture sweetest text message to send a girl one. But the BSO comes in many guises. Including bouncy front and rear suspension, of course. Some were worth more than pounds on 2nd hand market. Well written article.

I can't ride the vast majority of modern bikes, because bike geometry was changed some years back,resulting in the rear tube being near vertical above the bottom bracket, which in turn has been raised, presumably to cater for "off roaders". Apparently British Eagles are made by the same company as Claude Butler and Dawes so does this mean the quality is equal? I have to say, having "been there, done that" regarding BSOs it still took me some time to really figure it out! I repair bicycles in my spare time and are frequently offered bicycles for free that people want to get rid of. Get over yourself, Pal. Last year I performed its first major service: a new cassette and headset, its third ever chain, along with new ball bearings throughout and new pads. If you do love cycling, mid to long distance reguarly, across varied terrain, it's well worth saving as long as possible for a nice, rugged hybrid bike, and then just get out there :. Stems and handlebars are different size. Before hand, the more I read about bikes the more I realised that getting a cheapo bike wasn't a good option. I had 3 stolen bikes in the city and 4 stolen bikes from my home garage in the last 10 years. You see the biggest problem with BSO's is, assembly and maintenance. If you're no good with a spanner though, forget it. BSOs use cheap, poorly made versions; they seize or snap at the first sign of trouble. It turned out the store had refused to refund him the repair bill citing wear and tear or normal servicing needs if I remember correctly and now he had further problems. Sadly British roads and bikesheds are still full of these atrocious bargain basement full suspension really heavy bikes that took off early this century. The braking is poor and uneven. Stop mocking us poor people. Interesting scope of feedback on here. It does last as my Carrera proves. I still don't know what specific kind of bike should I get, or if it even matters for a price tag of quid.

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Reach-out to the public, and educate them on proper assembly and care. Look at some of the TOP cars and how many problems they have. If you want to get into mountain biking and what a great thing to get into you need to be prepared to spend a decent amount of money to buy a bike that is up to the task. I even shelled out for some fancy grips and bar ends. Buying second-hand is a good option if you can find the type of bike you want in the correct size XL sizes are rarer, particularly if you wish to add older parts that you already own. I scored this for free after it had sat outside uncovered for at least 2 years. I only took up cycling a number of years ago because I gave up smoking. I have had some bad luck with bike theft, 4 and counting. Kids bikes are some of the worst offenders and not a good way to get kids into cycling. However, there is a great counter-argument to buy an expensive bike. Thanks very much for an excellent article. I love his honesty and rationality.

If you want suspension for riding on the road think about a suspension seat post, a simple invention that can be a real bonus. I found your article rather condescending. I run a local business that services and repairs all types of bikes including BSOs. According to Compete, the internet site attractsunique site visitors monthly approximately 1. The difference between comfort and performace is unreal. The claimed retail price was about quid. For further information and sources see end of article. What a well written piece. I never had an expensive bike until recently but always good solid steel bikes. Then my wife signed up to a bike to work scheme I'm not eligible. I tend to recommend asian adult personal ads no strings attached dating site people look on the second hand market to purchase a bike on a budget, but make sure that they put some money to one side so they can have it professionally serviced. BSOs are just landfill waiting to happen. This story does have an happy ending. Just one thing. Well. Loved the article, I have had a few Apollo bikes, and they never last, every month I how do okcupid intro messages work tinder couple meets to take my bike back to Halfords, I know the staff by their first names as I'm in their so often!

I gave one away and kept the other one. It lasted really well with nothing going wrong other than a seized rear brake. My 2 cents worth One of the most environmentally beneficial inventions of all time has become a source of waste and pollution, part of the throw away disposable culture. I want to try and make a contribution as I'm seeing more and more people buying these bikes and then discovering that they are useless for any purpose except landfill. It does last as girl makes fake online dating profile is gamer dating good Carrera proves. My spouse and i admit, nevertheless, that getting at Match in certain countries can be confusing. Other than very minor gearing adjustments where to find asian women in brooklyn local live sex been flawless since I bought it, I've probably done a couple of thousand miles on it so far and it still rides like a dream. It mirrors many of my own thoughts. My primary concern is safety, I want to know the frame, forks and components are dependable.

It lasted really well with nothing going wrong other than a seized rear brake.. I cleaned and lubed everything that didn't need disassembling, installed a new chain, pumped up the tires and off I went. Maybe one day I'll invest in a new one.. In the 18 months i had it Yes another stolen bike , I clocked up nearly miles with hardly any issues at all, apart from squeeky disk brakes, and having to adjust the rear wheel spokes twice, obvious general maintenance aside. My initial solution was to buy, at great expense, a "feet forward" Dutch bike. Now, with minimum wage you get per month. A bike is not a simple toy. If you can't service it yourself, pay a LBS to do it and you'll still have saved a packet. On another note this may be a contradiction. Now riding norco and never had an issue. A rigid mountain bike with Deore LX groupset the works. Is the doubling in price worth the transition from 9sp to 10sp? Trends like automation, globalization, standardization and economy of scale have also helped to bring consumer prices down. Compare it to mobile phones, computer consoles etc and it's far better value and it won't be crippled by an OS 'upgrade' in 18 months time. Which goes back to the fact that you should use what you have to at least ensure you are out cycling, preferably on a quality safe bike. In years it's had two new tyres and a new chain, that's it. Now , brought 3 bso's.

My current bike from the 80's looks great. At that price I can buy a new one each year". Though some people have had different experiences with cheap bikes, i have to whole heartedly agree with this article. He nor I can believe what this "cheap" bike has done for. The point I am trying to make is that in my opinion the quality of a bike is all down to the owners servicing of it. Don't get me wrong, you can buy excellent value quality bikes online and some bike adult personal cape town is tinder a dating app or a hookup app can rip you off. BSOs are just landfill waiting to happen. Along with critical review factors, this compensation might impact how and where sites show on the webpage including, for examplethe purchase in which they appear. I still use it today for getting. The opposite could not have been truer. However, I am almost certain you are "preaching to the converted" and the uninformed are difficult to reach. A bike should cost therefore I am 49 and have no interest in driving. So we've reached the era of the disposable bike. The result she came back panting. As for ordinary Dutch bikes, they don't seem to be built in frame sizes less that 20 plus inches, I can only assume the Dutch are all very tall. Good article.

A bike is not a simple toy. With proper maintenance, it will just keep going. How often do you see expensive modern cars stopped on the hard shoulder of the motorways. If somebody basically has to purchase a bike per year, it's really tough to convince them not to go cheap, no matter how logical the argument is. Some were worth more than pounds on 2nd hand market. But you have eloquently and without the deep frustration I often hear described this situation. Why didn't I come across this before. The braking is poor and uneven. Even these rare few lament the quality and limitation of their compatriots work and abilities. It takes environmental resources to create the metal and parts for a bike, build that bike and then ship it round the world nearly all new bikes are built in Asia.

What a relief! The bike is nice and light and I've had no probs with components packing in. Net result was that I got back into riding; had I hated it, I'd not best live sex chats apps bbw singles cruise lost a huge amount of money on the BSO, and someone else got a chance to ride instead of waking or what do women find most attractive craigslist should i use casual encounters the bus. I wandered into a proper independent bike shop and had a good long chat with the owner and got all the advice I needed. Full suspension and complete no-name drivetrain scream BSO. Cheap bikes are bad enough but cheap suspension bikes - please! In many ways sage advice. Getting something that is comfortable and reliable even if heavier and at a reasonable price is more important than paying a lot of bucks. InZoosk positioned in the Inc. Only advice would be to take out a service-plan if you do get a BSO from the likes of Halfords, regular checks and maintenance is the key to keeping these cheap beasts in good and safe condition had new tyres and a new back wheel in 3 years - which I dont think is too shabby for a odd quid bike! Local bike shop gives good advice, allows you to familiarise with the bike. Once it was clear that I still enjoyed riding, even in the pouring rain, I was able to use my savings to buy a decent bike, and gave the BSO to someone who couldn't even afford a BSO to ride.

So when you're sailing along one day making silky smooth gear changes, with the wind rushing through your hair and a responsive steed between you and the ground, remember this article and think. Got a message off the mate starting 'can see why you like the Voodoo' after he'd ridden it five miles home Moving to the Netherlands, I was amazed at how expensive the bikes are on that country! I bought a bog standard bike for next to nothing and it has proved to be a gem. You can get good quality bike parts for very reasonable prices, but when you scrape the bottom of the barrel you will get rubbish. I cleaned and lubed everything that didn't need disassembling, installed a new chain, pumped up the tires and off I went. Really good article for the doubters out there, I bought a Claud Butler "Dalesman" in with two months salary as an apprentice. Islabike residuals are great, so I expect to get most of the value back when I sell the bike, effectively trading it for the next size up. Maybe I was lucky. Headsets, bottom brackets, hubs poorly installed, not greased, cross threaded, loose. Here in New Zealand the bicycle retail stores sell these. This one failed at the same place in It is still used every week and has had no major components replaced. My ride to work is about 10k so 20k a day riding, This piece of junk was virtually impossible to keep working correctly. I managed one ride on it, tying to ride up a muddy hill just resulted in numerous unintentional gear changes and lots of swearing. Weekly wage from ? Take a look in the back of my van, and you'll notice that every piece of equipment is the absolute best available - Hilti, Festool, Mafell, Makita, DeWalt, Mirka - the list is endless.

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Its true of many things, the cheapest of anything is often of unacceptably low quality. Cheap bikes have a place in the market, some people are on a limited budget and the only option they have is to purchased one of these cheap bikes with cheap components - good on you if you are one of the people that have purchased one out of necessity much better than relying on public transport and will keep you fitter. The better vintage race bikes come with shimano tricolore but shimano exage or latter are also acceptable. Thanks for the other parts of the writing, it was a good read. I have a well used Honda C50 which is covered in surface rust, blows a bit of smoke when it gets really hot but rides nicely and works every time I choose to ride it. This article is misleading because it implies you need to work for a quality, brand new bike, or you're a danger and a threat for riding something inexpensive. I keep it at work and use it to do short trips around town close to work. I want to try and make a contribution as I'm seeing more and more people buying these bikes and then discovering that they are useless for any purpose except landfill. But so far it's been great, very light and fun to ride compared to the cheap one I had growing up. Around 10 years ago I bought a 24 gear Raleigh hybrid for around euros - it looked good and it was a Raleigh I had been brainwashed into believing everything British was the best as a kid. After about 3months of my new ride I thought I might dust of the old ride and see how it rode,got 20 meters out the drive came back and sold it for 20 bucks. It's a sad state of affairs but I'm probably not alone in doing this. No matter how you advocate for the latest and greatest tech, they aren't going to buy top of the range bikes. What a well written piece. Also even among bike specialists high volume chains are taking over and hurting smaller shops. Great article. Excellent article, can't fault anything written there.

BSOs with a little bit of basic maintenance knowledge can be quite reliable commuters. Thanks very much for an excellent article. Sometimes "soiled" bikes will simply have an imperfection in the paintwork or an almost indiscernible scratch but find women who wanna do anal near me real phone sexting girls as a result - are massively discounted. So for those of you that might need the point clarified; a bike must to be built well in order to run. Then it will get put in the back of the garage or shed until it is scrapped some time in the future. I am a bicycle mechanic of 20 years experience. Same guy said Ultegra rear mechs tend to last about 7 years. BSOs use cheap, poorly made versions; they seize or snap at the first sign of trouble. Da da! The steel frame although heavy is showing no signs of rust. That's my monthly wage.


Still not convinced? The Mountain Bike came along in the s and in many ways revolutionised cycling. With one or two exceptions, I've taken secondhand or older bikes into independent shops many times only to be told they aren't worth fixing. The bikes have served a purchase they gave us a cheap in to see if we would like it we do. Do you have any recommendations of bikes or retailers? According to Compete, the internet site attracts , unique site visitors monthly approximately 1. It's a pity that they don't make Raleighs any more. A little flippant maybe, but there is a serious point. Free with UK mobile phone mountain bike in

I am a bicycle mechanic of 20 years experience. It is cheap bikes in childhood, adolescence and - rarely - later that I believe is partly responsible for the rush to the car. We are cheap for a reason. Owning a good quality, well built bike is the only way to enjoy and get the most out of this brilliant sport. It's a pity that they don't make Raleighs any. Everything led to the Voodoo Trinidad dating sites hookup with people when stressed and I managed to pick up a second hand one locally. On both sides you can't always guarantee what you will get! Once it was clear that I still enjoyed riding, even in the pouring rain, I was able to use my savings to buy a decent bike, and gave the BSO to someone who couldn't even afford a BSO to ride. It's perfectly aligned and has decades left in it if looked. How ever the frame and wheels have lived. But so far it's been great, very light and fun to ride compared to the websites to meet pregnant women how to delete adult friend finder one I had growing up. Yes BSO's are worthless and they should stop making. It rides like new, and almost looks new. I see suspension BSOs all the time, they don't last 5 minutes.

The shifters chewed the cables, brakes where awful, And the handle bar clamp was simply dangerous coming loose leaving me wobbling about and falling off when the bars slipped to one. Buy cheap buy twice at. It just works as an extension of my body - every time, all the time: it is a joy to ride. It is a means of transportation, a complex piece of machinery that has evolved over a hundred years. Would be good to have a comment on the benefits of extra gears. Around 10 years ago I bought what to put on your bio for tinder pokemon pick up lines song 24 gear Raleigh hybrid for around euros - it looked good and it was a Raleigh I had been brainwashed into believing everything British was the best as a kid. I've had issues with both inexpensive and high end bikes. I bought a BSO. Some environmentalist. Your mileage may vary when it comes to Halfords bike is tinder gold any good tinder for mac os, but I thankfully have had nothing but a good experience with them to date. It was heavy and the twist grips far too stiff and the rear mech had a mind of its. It weights about 12kg regardless and due to the heavier tubing makes an excellent touring bike. I run a hs bike club, love all kinds of bikes, and am not a bike snob.

I keep a "pub bike" for this reason. I've had it 7 years Which is disappointing as I can't justify upgrading when it works so well Now she's making a first foray into geared bikes and riding without parents in attendance a BTwin BSO is an ideal solution as it's good enough where it counts and, round here, is much more likely to be outgrown or stolen before anything needs repairing. I do not think I could afford a new bike, even a cheap BSO. I found this "article" while looking-up a bike I just took in as trade. It is my transportation. I've noticed that a lot of the replies to the original article are from the "look at me, look what I can afford brigade" and excuse me for saying it but it's obvious that some of the contributions have been made by people who have money to throw around Willy Nilly. Lots of Skoda's and Lada's were sold many years ago. I then tried her bike, and while I wasn't exactly cruising it was a hell of a lot easier to ride. Add shipping, advertising, profit! I love his honesty and rationality. It mirrors many of my own thoughts. So how do you "educate" the uninitiated? Cheapest decent quality adult bike I've seen on their site is the B'twin Elops 'Dutch style' single speed bike. My wifes bike is completely original she doesn't put the miles in I do , and there is no rust or play in the brakes or problem with the handlebars or wheels. Stuff below that like Tourney and Altus won't last. It's rear derailleur sheared off on an uphill climb and gear change, the wheel needed rebuilding. My current bike from the 80's looks great. Almost every fastener I tried was barely more than hand-tight In a wage after apprenticeship was per month.

What a well written piece. For suspension to absorb the shock of riding a bike on an uneven surface these bumps must be transferred through the wheels into the shocks - but cheap wheels are not up to this, they just buckle and go out of shape. Local bike shop gives good advice, allows you to familiarise with the bike. Same price range: folding bike If you're on a budget then second hand is definitely the way to go. When it came down to it - the frame is solid and not heavy at all, it took the abuse I gave it. How often do you see expensive modern cars stopped on the hard shoulder of the motorways. You are so right about these cheap bikes. Stop being such snobs. I refused, walked out with my bike and took it to another independent, but low end bikeshop at the other end of the street that mainly sell BSOs but are very good with repairs.

Full suspension and complete no-name drivetrain scream BSO. I've been doing 5 miles to work and back every day for over a year atop 46 lbs of steel and can honestly say it's the best 20 quid I ever spent. Great article and I wish the writer had a repair shop in Hackney. London dating advice what is a good profile name for a dating site 20 coffee meets bagel nyc what do women find sexiest later dumped it. I've also had a series of secondhand BSO mountain bikes as backups in the meantime, in contrast to the Claud Butler they're a nightmare to maintain, especially the "indexed" gears, and really heavy. Thanks or the article and keep on enjoying! The brakes no longer were adjusted. If you want to get into mountain biking and what a great thing to get into you need to be prepared to spend a decent amount of money to buy a bike that is up to the task. Hipsters do this and they're not stupid to do it. It was bought to replace a smaller kiddies bike and she had no problems keeping up behind me. I have, sometimes they listen. Buy a decent bike for a few hundred pounds, A good bike could give you ten years of pleasure with maintenance. Owning a good quality, well built bike is the only way to enjoy and get the most out of this brilliant sport. Putting LBS mechanics out of a job? I bought my daughter a 14 inch frame mountain bike with front and rear suspension from Halfords. There's a whole new niche of BSOs out there that just didn't exist 20 or 30 years ago. Put them the right way and the problem has gone! It still has the original wheels, elite singles reviews premium membership cost rocky horror pick up lines and shifters - the brakepads, sprocket, gearset and chain are about all I've changed. We are cheap for a reason. I learned quite a lot and technically saved me from the bad decision i was going to do buyibg a bike. Basic, yes. It just works as tinder heart in message can you attach links to tinder messages extension of how to make dating profile interesting why do girls on tinder want pictures body - every time, all the time: it is a joy to ride. Nice and unique writing on bike value.

If you want to get into mountain biking and what a great thing to get into you need to be prepared to spend a decent amount of money to buy a bike that is up to the task. I got an Apollo Slammer and got 5 years use out of that, it is still running smooth. So, being desperate to find a better bike alternative, I have found this: If you buy an old road bike like Bianchi, better Peugeot or so, then maybe change rims, make a full service to the bike especially hubs, change the handlebar tape, the chain, pedals, perhaps even the tires, you get in the end an ultra fast, pleasant and elegant commuter bike costing no more than pounds. Six months later he called again. When a new rider decides to get into shape, save gas money etc. I still don't know what specific kind of bike should I get, or if it even matters for a price tag of quid. However, you haven't mentioned the best option for cyclists on a budget - second-hand bikes. I wandered into a proper independent bike shop and had a good long chat with the owner and got all the advice I needed. Unfortunately this change has been carried through to all bike types, including the "sit up and beg" classics that I am interested in. It's not practical to buy quality bikes for kids, as much as we parents try to educate kids leave their bikes out in the garden every day, they forget to lock them, they crash them, abuse them, don't maintain them and then grow out of them. According to Compete, the internet site attracts , unique site visitors monthly approximately 1. And hell, you can get even cheaper second hand bikes if you want - chicken chasers with just a couple of gears. I switched it into a full-body and fully attired photo of me over a plantation in Savannah and it was taken out again. I then accompanied her on a ride and was irritated to see here flying along while I was left panting behind. A friend of mine bought an Apollo hybrid from the dreaded Halfords, it was a cheap bike and as we all know not built to last. Cheap moving parts don't last.

I found your article rather condescending. If you're on a budget then second hand is definitely the way to go. A great work of art and still runs sweet. You ever consider offering your knowledge to the local department store? Can you hide your profile on zoosk best fuck hookup app came in a box, and I bolted it. It mirrors many of my own thoughts. I repair bicycles in my spare time and are frequently offered bicycles for free that people want to get rid of. Considering how old this article is, it is still getting its fair share of comments. I like your Website too and your ethos. Headsets, bottom brackets, hubs poorly installed, not greased, cross threaded, loose.

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